5 Communication Problem in Relationship

In any relationship, must have been marred by quarrels, misunderstandings, and even hurt each other. Any problem in love there is always a way out, but not a few couples who end up with a break up.
One cause of the affair did not go smoothly, is the lack of good communication between each pair. Janelle Alex, a consultant from Inward Oasis, suggests communication problems that often occur in romance and fix solutions, as reported by the All Women stalk.

1. Lack of Communication 

Your routine and your partner often makes the quality and quantity of communication is reduced. Often you both more frequent activity is spent in the office and when there is leisure time, both you and your partner are pretty tired and chose to rest at home. Believe it or not, when it continues to get stuck in a routine like this, your relationship and your partner can increasingly tenuous. When it began to realize was in this condition, you should immediately fix it all and find time to mingle with couples to re-harmonious relationship.

2. Avoiding Problems 
Avoided talking about an issue that is being faced with a partner, can be a cause you to stop talking to him. Conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable, often encourage you to build a wall dividing the distance between you two. Initially you may feel comfortable with this situation, but should not be left too long because this can make the relationship worse. Face the problem, do not be silenced. Talk with your partner carefully and look for a way out together so the issue is completed and improved back ties.

3. Interruptions
 Do you often interrupt a conversation when her lover was voicing his opinion? According to Janelle, interrupting the conversation of people is an act that is not polite, because it shows a lack of attention, no respect even your lack of trust towards the other person. Instead, let your partner finish his words without the slightest interruption. If you do not have much time to hear all his talk, tell him to speak on other occasions when you and he were not busy.

4. Misunderstanding 
Often what you are talking about are not in accordance with what is received by the spouse, and vice versa. This lead to a misunderstanding which ended up fighting. Despite talk directly, misunderstanding could have happened. To avoid this, Janelle suggested to repeat the words that your partner is not sure of the point. Likewise when you're saying less obvious means, be sure to explain again that the error in the acceptance of communication does not happen.

5. Feeling Always Right 
When you fight with your partner, communication often becomes a competition to find who is right and wrong. Instead, communication is the bridge to find a solution, rather than become a means of domination. Try to look back at what the problems you both. Then, look at the problem from your perspective as well as couples. Look for discrepancies lies in the issue and jointly seek solutions. No one wins and who loses, you both communication quality is more important than that.

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